Practitioner from Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province Recalls Being Mistreated Five Years Ago

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In late July 2000, I travelled to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. I was arrested while riding on the bus from Tianjin to Beijing, and was interrogated for an entire day. I was then detained in Tianjin Detention Centre with four fellow practitioners from other places.

Inside the Tianjin Detention Centre, we were not allowed to do the Falun Gong exercises. When we did do the exercises, the guards beat us. There was no bedding, only rough wooden boards for sleeping. We were forced to eat mouldy steamed corn bread and a piece of dried vegetable. We are kind people and yet we were treated worse than criminals. To protest our detention, we went on a hunger strike. The guards force-fed us, which caused my teeth to become loose due to my mouth being forced open.

After one week of being detained in Tianjin Detention Centre, my employer sent security officer Hou (male, very active in the persecution) to take me home. Officer Hou extorted 400 yuan1 in cash from me, and withdrew 4,000 yuan from my six-month salary. He spent 4,400 yuan of my personal money. He did not notify my employer of these transactions.

Upon returning to Jiamusi City, the policemen in the Qianjin District Department interrogated me, took my photo, and detained me for an additional month.

During this detention I was inhumanly tortured. I slept near the chamber pot, which was very smelly and damp. I could not move during sleep. I could only sleep on my side, and my feet were very painful and itchy due to such severe conditions.

I was arrested again in 2001 while passing out materials exposing the persecution. The policemen in Chaoyang District Department interrogated me. Chen Wanyou, a notorious policeman from the City Police Department, had journalists videotape me. The police shackled me to the iron chair for an entire day. I was then detained for fourteen days.

The iron chair is made of iron pipes. Victims are restrained on the iron chairs with both arms and legs tied for a long period of time. See illustration on


1. "Yuan" is the Chinese currency; 500 yuan is equal to the average monthly income of an urban worker in China.

Chinese version available at

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