7-Year-Old: "I Want My Mum and Dad to Come Back"

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My name is Tiantian and I'm seven years old. One day in September 1999 some policemen broke into my home and forced my mum and dad into a police van. Mum held me tightly in her arms. At the time I was only ten months old. The policemen wouldn't let us go home and they detained the three of us in a deserted building. Every day there were four guards watching over us in shifts. How terrible and cold that broken building was!

One evening in October 1999 several policemen suddenly broke in and took my dad away. My daddy didn't come back until the next morning. I cried the word "daddy" toward the window and door and my mum held me and cried. My mum and I stayed in the broken building for two months. Sometimes we didn't have any food to eat and mum had to suffer the hunger. I was so hungry that I grabbed a cold bun and took a bite. At the time I had only eight little teeth.

One evening in November a bunch of people broke into the place and asked my mum, "Is Falun Dafa good or not?" She said, "Falun Dafa is good." They asked her again, "Do you still practise Falun Gong?" Mum said, "Yes." I was so scared that I held my mum's neck and wouldn't let her go. I was afraid of leaving my her. The policemen dragged me from her, and I desperately cried, "Mum!" I was so scared and I didn't want to leave her. The policemen dragged my mum into the police wagon and took her away. I was sent to my grandmother's home. My grandpa and grandma cried endlessly in those days.

In the spring of 2003 I heard that my mum was tortured so severely by the wardens at the forced labour camp that she was sent to a hospital for major surgery. My grandpa and grandma went to the forced labour camp in a hurry to visit her. The guards there refused to let them in. They went there again and again and finally saw my mum. She could hardly move, and she could only walk slowly up and down the stairs with the assistance and help of others. My grandpa and grandma were very upset seeing this.

Whenever my mum and dad were mentioned, my grandpa and grandma couldn't help crying. I missed my mom and dad, but I dared not say it. I worried that my grandparents would grieve too much.

Last summer my mum finally came back home. I saw her after anticipating the moment for so long. She looked pale and walked slowly, as if her leg was injured. She was very weak and could only lay down on the bed. I sat beside her. My grandparents told me that the guards at the forced labour camp beat my mum. I was very upset. Why did they treat my dear mum like that?

My mum has always told me that I should be a good kid who complies with the universal characteristics of "Zhen, Shan, Ren" (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance). She also told me to forgive others. I want so much to live with my mum and dad, and hope to have a warm family like other children do, but my mum is afraid of being arrested by the police and dares not come home. Mum, where are you? Do you have food and clothes? Are you cold?

My dad is in jail. Did he have a hard time too? I heard that my father became deaf in his left ear after being beaten, and his kidneys were injured. Why were the policemen there so cruel? My dad is a good person! At his workplace he was recognised every year as a model worker, and he's a good father at home. You shouldn't treat my father like this.

I miss my mum and dad so much...

I want a family so much!

Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2006/9/28/138845.html

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