Guard at Qiqihar Forced Labour Camp Reveals the Truth About Wang Guofang's Death

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[Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Guofang, who was in her forties, was from Daqing City. In 2004, she was tortured to death in Qiqihar Forced Labour Camp (formerly known as Shuanghe Forced Labour Camp). In the labour camp, Wang Guofang was tortured while in handcuffs, had the bottom of her feet burned with machines that emit heat, and was starved for days simply because she refused to give up practising Falun Gong.

The labour camp was afraid that her family members would hold them accountable for her death, so they took the body to a hospital in Qiqihar City and created false evidence, claiming that Wang Guofang died from cardiac arrest. Wang’s family members found handcuff marks on her wrists, as well as bruises on her chest. When they demanded an explanation from the labour camp, the camp lied to them, saying that Wang was put in handcuffs because she caused trouble for the labour camp, and that the bruises on her chest were caused by resuscitation.

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