Chinese Communist Party Sent Secret Agents Pretending to be Falun Gong Practitioners to China's Dalian City as Early as 1997

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I am a Falun Dafa practitioner living in Dalian City of Liaoning Province, China. I fortunately came across and started to practise Falun Dafa in 1997, and have been practising ever since.

In the evening of November 30th, 1999, my husband and I were paged by someone who was previously a practitioner, asking us to meet him/her. Upon our arrival, we were immediately arrested by the Xigang Police Department Tracking Division One and taken to the Shidaojie Police Station. There we were bound in iron chairs for the entire night with our hands and feet cuffed.

On December 1st, several police officers led by officer Zhou from the Shidaojie Police Station ransacked my home. They confiscated many Falun Dafa books, cellular phones, and money. They also forcibly took the gold ring from my husband's finger. That night, they sent me to a detention centre.

In January 2000, three plainclothes police officers went to Yaojia Detention Centre to interrogate me. The plainclothes policeman sitting in the middle asked me about the Falun Dafa books, but I refused to tell him anything. Then, a tall plainclothes policeman sitting on the right nudged the policeman in the middle and asked me, "Do you know him?" I had not dealt with the police since April 25th, 1999*. I looked at him carefully and remembered that the policeman sitting in the middle once came to the People's Square practise site to learn Falun Dafa in 1997. At that time, he and several others claimed they were from other places and had come to Dalian City to find a job. When they attended the evening session for studying the Falun Dafa teachings, sometimes they came early, and sometimes they stayed for a very short time. We had shown them how to cross their legs in the meditation pose. *This refers to the "sensitive" anniversary of April 25, 1999, on which date ten thousand Falun Gong practitioners peacefully gathered outside the Zhongnanhai compound (China’s central government building) and successfully appealed for the release of forty-five practitioners who had been illegally arrested in Tianjin City.

At that time, a Falun Dafa practitioner used a TV set from home to play the tapes of Teacher's lectures on the Falun Dafa principles to us. One night, the practise site was burglarised. Everything was stolen except the old TV set. This took place on a Saturday. When a practitioner turned up to clean the place early in the morning, she found that the chain lock had been cut. Later, we realised it was done by someone who knew exactly what they were doing. In fact, when that practitioner arrived in the morning, someone rushed out of the door, saying that he was from out of town and had come to Dalian City to look for a job. That person was in such a hurry that he did not even put on his shoes when leaving. After that, those who claimed to have come to Dalian City to look for a job never showed up again.

Now it turns out that those people were police officers. The policeman said to me, "As long as you say you will stop practising, I will release you immediately." I told him, "I will never give up practising Falun Dafa."

On January 28th, 2000, secret agents and some people from the courthouse came to the detention centre to inform my husband and me that both of us had been sentenced to prison.

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