Higher Authorities Order people to declare their Opinion of Falun Gong

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Shenzhou City, Hebei Province

Recently, people in Shenzhou City of Hebei Province have been forced to fill out a form, declaring where they stand on the issue of Falun Gong. It is said that the order is from high authority.

The lawless officials originally planned to detain all whose attitude towards Falun Gong didn't meet the requirements of the authorities. They would then be sent to brainwashing classes. However, since the numbers were too high, they were unable to track down all parties concerned. However, some Falun Gong practitioners were sent to brainwashing classes.

The enclosing walls of the brainwashing classes are even higher than those in detention centres. In the detention centres, prisoners are let out of their cells to walk around or to relieve themselves; however, even this right is denied during the brainwashing classes.

Since Falun Gong practitioners are very firm in cultivation, the lawless officials decided to make the brainwashing classes a place to detain the practitioners for a long time. Currently, several Dafa practitioners have been sentenced to jail in Shenzhou City. The longest term to be served is ten years. Some Dafa practitioners have been illegally detained since December of 1999, following their appeal.

One of the vicious officials is Yin Yuzhen, the secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee in Shenzhou City.

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