More Facts about the Persecution and Death of 76 Year Old Mr. Yang Shaoyun from Sichuan Province

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Mr. Yang Shaoyun was a 76 year old Falun Dafa practitioner who lived in Dazu County. After he learned Falun Dafa in 1998, his prior illnesses were eliminated, and he looked much younger. He firmly cultivated Falun Dafa even after July 20, 1999, when the horrific persecution started and massive arrests were underway.

But the ruthless Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials would not allow even this elderly gentlemen over 70 years old any peace. His home was ransacked, his books were stolen from him, and Mr. Yang was more than once abducted and sent to brainwashing classes, where he was brutally tortured. On one occasion Mr. Yang could not eat anything in the brainwashing class and passed out with blood in his stool. Near death, he was finally released to go home after his family members begged repeatedly for him. Soon thereafter, his wife was abducted and sent to the labour camp, which made Mr. Wang very despondent. No one took care of him, and his condition worsened.

When Mr. Yang Shaoyun's wife was released from the labour camp, Mr. Wang was dying. His family sent him to the hospital for emergency treatment, but it was to no avail, and he died in October 2004.

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