Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Jiang Xianjun Died As a Result of Persecution in 2004

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Ms. Jiang Xianjun was employed by the Service Branch of the Harbin City Movie Equipment Factory, located in Heilongjiang Province. She died on January 23, 2004, after being tortured by the local authorities because she held firmly to her belief in Falun Gong.

Ms. Jiang Xianjun, 47, previously had breast cancer, which was cured by practising Falun Dafa. Before the persecution started, Ms. Jiang contributed greatly in spreading the practice of Falun Dafa. After the persecution began, she joined her fellow practitioners in forming informational materials production sites, transporting materials, and holding experience-sharing conferences.

In April 2003, Ms. Jiang was recognized by a local policeman on Guxiang Ave., Harbin City. She was arrested and sent to the Second Detention Centre located in Yaziquan. Ms. Jiang was bailed out on medical parole after her family paid a large sum of extortion money. Under huge pressure, her family would not allow her to contact people or to study the Falun Dafa books or do the Falun Gong exercises. The Procuratorate, police, state security agents and neighbourhood administration all harassed her by phone, monitored her home, threatened her and interrogated her.

In May 2003, Ms. Jiang Xianjun left her home to escape the persecution. She developed a cough, which progressively worsened, and had to return home in August. Her family continued controlling her and preventing her from practising Falun Dafa. She was diagnosed with late stage lung cancer in November 2003, and died on January 23, 2004.

Chinese version available at http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2005/6/13/103938.html

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