Poem: Tiananmen - One Day Spring Time

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Dedicated to all the students who lost their lives in the Tiananmen Square massacre on June 4th, 1989 and the countless Falun Dafa practitioners who continue their peaceful appeal for justice and an end to the Chinese Communist Parties relentless and brutal persecution against Falun Gong.

Six years and more unfolding,
Such winters of clouded repression,
From immolations staged,
Storms on Zhongnanhai concocted,
Terror behind the taming of millions deceived.

Campaigns, calamities no less,
Destined to a final undoing.
Cradles of injustice, the cries of revolutions down,
From slumber stirring, transcending all,
Beckon now your triumphant song!

A birthright beyond this threshold awaits,
Testaments to truth carrying seeds to virtue.
A stretch of banners and voices arise,
Determined in selfless display.

Towards Compassion,
A path encompassing,
Composure come every crowd and corner.
With faith in Falun Dafa diamond strong,
No dread nor vanquish of heart.

Closer, a new world unveiling,
Let peace find your place again.
From tangled grey, a square in divide,
Soon your realms of light restored,
Here, one day Spring time.

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