As the UN Human Rights Commission Meets in Geneva, Ms. Wang Guofang Dies from Torture in China's Daqing City

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Ms. Wang Guofang, a 42 year old Falun Dafa practitioner from Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, was arrested and sent to Qiqihar Forced Labour Camp (also called Qiqihar City Shuanghe Forced Labour Camp). On March 15, 2004, she was persecuted to death as the United Nations Human Rights Commission was meeting in Geneva, Switzerland.

On March 15, 2004, her family received a phone call from the labour camp. They were told that Wang Guofang was being released and were instructed to come to the labour camp. When the family arrived, Wang Guofang was dead.

Her family saw deep handcuff marks on both her wrists and that the flesh on her chest was burned and discoloured like a piece of meat. In deep grief, her family asked what had happened, the camp section head told them that Wang had died from a heart attack and that during the "rescue process," the use of an electric baton had caused the burns on her chest.

Ms. Wang's family told him that there had never been even a single case of heart disease in their family history. Besides, Ms. Wang had been quite healthy before her arrest. The people responsible could not give any satisfactory answers.

It Was Hard to Believe That This Had Turned Out to Be the Last Time They Would See Ms. Wang Alive

Earlier, camp personnel called her family and told them to come to the camp to see her for the last time. With deep sadness, her mother went to the camp only to find her daughter quite healthy. There was nothing wrong with her. The family members were tricked into paying money for the visit. The camp personnel had hoped that Wang Guofang would be persuaded enough to be "transformed" to give up her belief in Falun Gong. During that period, three people surrounded her every day trying to persuade her to give up her belief. Yet, she was persistent and was unmoved by their actions.

Shuanghe Forced Labour Camp team leaders Zhang Zhijie and Wang Mei and Captain Guo Li, went to the notorious Masanjia and Wanjia Forced Labour Camps to learn their techniques for persecuting Dafa practitioners. On February 15, they had returned to Shuanghe and began their inhuman persecution of steadfast Falun Dafa practitioners.

Four persistent female practitioners were being persecuted to the verge of death. Male practitioners also suffered inhuman tortures. These three persecutors proclaimed that they would "transform" all the practitioners from that point on. It is apparent that Wang died as a result of the torture and brutality she faced in Shuanghe Forced Labour Camp.

Shuanghe Forced Labour Camp, Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province

(also called Qiqihar City Yuxin School)

Postal Code: 151600

Shuanghe Forced Labour Camp phone no.: 86-452-2451085

Director of Qiqihar Forced Labour Camp: Xiao xx

Director of Political Committee: Wang Yufeng

Secretary of Procurator: Li xx

Policemen Involved:

Eighth Brigade Leaders: Zhang Zhijie and Wang Mei

Ninth Brigade team Leaders: Guo Li and Wang Yujing

First Brigade leader: Zhang Zhijie, mobile phone: 86-13946289956

Directors of Managing Section: Wang Yan and Guo Jing.

Others: Zhao Lijuan, Fu Lijuan and Yang Lihua.

Chinese version available at

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