Authorites Force Pregnant Falun Dafa Practitioner To Have Abortion In Order to Detain Her in the Guangxi Forced Labour Camp

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1. Ms. Luo Fengfang, a Falun Dafa and technician with the Forage Company in Baise City, Guangxi Province, was several months pregnant at the time she was detained in the Baise City Detention Centre. Because her husband, Deputy Secretary of a certain county in Baise City, refused to give up his belief in Falun Dafa, the police forced Mrs. Luo to have her baby aborted at the hospital in retaliation. Both husband and wife were then illegally sentenced to terms in a forced labour camp. Immediately after the abortion, even though her body was extremely weak and still bleeding, Mrs. Luo was taken to the Guangxi Women's Forced Labour Camp.

2. He Yan from Beiliu City, Guangxi Province, a determined Falun Dafa practitioner, was arrested and detained in the local detention centre after having just given birth to a baby in August 2002. With her body not yet recovered from the delivery, she was taken away immediately to be detained in the Guangxi Women's Forced Labour Camp.

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