Jiang Zemin's National Security Department Starts to Investigate Falun Gong Practitioners' Relatives

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Recently, the branch of Jiang Zemin's national security department in a northern city started to collect information about Falun Gong practitioners' relatives, their relatives' employers and their home phone numbers.

Apparently it has something to do with the lawsuit overseas that is charging Jiang with genocide. The national security department is trying to figure out the practitioners who have overseas relatives and block the channels that might be used for the delivery of evidence about the persecution. Their purpose is to place Falun Gong practitioners under surveillance and implement a new plan to extend the persecution.

It has been proven that what Falun Gong practitioners have done overseas is powerful. The large-scale truth-clarification and the lawsuit against Jiang are powerful. They have thrown Jiang's regime into a frenzied panic.

We also call attention to security issues when practitioners contact their relatives. Please use your wisdom when you clarify the truth to these people.

Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2003/10/16/58950.html

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