Dafa Practitioner Ms. Lu Qiangfang Dies After Suffering from Torture-Induced Illnesses for Several Months

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Dafa practitioner Ms. Lu Qiangfang was a 40-year-old farmer in Chongyang Town, Chongyang City, Sichuan Province. She started Dafa cultivation in 1998. Ever since then she has tried her best to be a good person. In March 2003, she was arrested and had her home ransacked because she exposed the persecution of Falun Gong. The police also took away all the Dafa books and materials she had at home. In order to find the source of the Dafa materials, the police beat her savagely. Policeman Zhang Tiantian from Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, along with Chongzhou police detained Lu Qiangfang in a government hotel, where they beat her mercilessly day and night, and deprived her of sleep. They cuffed her hands behind her back with one hand over the shoulder and the other hand against the lower back. The police then applied a great deal of force to pull the two hands toward one another and handcuff them.

In May 2003, seeing that she was in critical condition and not wanting to take the responsibility, the police set her free. Her family members took her for a medical examination. The doctors found a tumour in her body. However, during surgery, it turned out that the "tumour" was in fact a chunk of gore. After Lu Qiangfang checked out of the hospital, she still could not take care of herself and had to remain in bed all day long. She could not eat and lost control of her bladder. After several months of pitiful suffering, Lu Qiangfang passed away in September 2003.

Chinese version available at http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2003/10/14/58829.html

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