Poem: Dawn Of Tranquillity

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Here I am veiled within the flame of dawn,
awaken my first breath when I with light am born.
Greeting the dew falling, every flower and leaf of green.
Hearts woven, golden spun, rejoice in realms unseen.

To the highest mount I rise lifted on splendid wings.
To inspire and motion come every sentient being.
Below a pond reflects deeply beyond the sun and mirrored face,
Quietly, summoned softly to it's rim where no ripples trace.

Millions and more gathered steadfast before the storm.
Dafa all-encompassing, giving life reason and form.
Between boundless spaces where thunder and lightning meet.
In the stillness of time's measure and China's darkest hour complete.

Sailing this voyage wide, upon oceans and skies so vast,
let worlds ascend embracing 'Zhen, Shan, Ren'* at last.
Amidst such lies and clamour for a moment seeming to fade.
Dawning now, I am amidst tranquillity, unveiled forever to remain!

*Zhen, Shan, Ren can be translated as Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance. These are the three principles of Falun Gong.

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