United States: "Car Tour Around the US to Rescue Charles Li" Arrives at Oregon State and Receives Many Interviews from Media

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Kicking off at the City Hall of San Francisco on August 13, the "Car Tour Around the US to Rescue Charles Li" continued to distribute fliers, collect signatures and clarify the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong to the local officials and the public of whichever city or county we pass through. First, we visited cities of Santa Rosa, Ukiah and Willits locating at north of San Francisco.

At Santa Rosa City Hall, we handed out literature about Charles's illegal detention and forced feeding by Jiang's regime as well as materials regarding the worldwide lawsuits against Jiang for his genocide crimes. Upon hearing the facts, people were shocked at the inhumane persecution. Afterwards, we went to the county government office and presented these materials to county commissioners. The person in charge was very pleased to see us, and took copies of the literature for each commissioner, the office staff and herself. She encouraged us to continue our effort to have more people pay attention to Charles Li's arrest.

On August 14, we passed through the cities of Eureka and Crescent, California, and the cities of Grants Pass and Roseburg, Oregon. Many local media including newspapers, radio stations and TV stations interviewed us in depth.

Dafa practitioners being interviewed by The Daily Triplicate Newspaper at Crescent City, California
Practicing Falun Gong exercises in front of the courthouse of Eureka, California

Five of us held a picture exhibition in front of Eureka County Government Office on the morning of August 14. We also submitted materials about Charles Li's arrest and this rescue effort to county officials, the mayor of Eureka and all the city council members. The major local newspaper, Times Standard, covered the event and interviewed us on the spot.

Later, the car tour team headed toward Crescent City. On the way, Ms. Xuerong Zhang was interviewed on television by KMUD Radio Station of Arcata City. The interview was broadcasted in Arcata City at 6 p.m. the same day.

When we arrived at Crescent City, a reporter from The Daily Triplicate, a local major newspaper, was already there waiting for us. The reporter interviewed us with great interest and asked many questions, including questions concerning the situation of Falun Gong and the persecution in China.

While collecting signatures in Crescent City, a teenager boy signed the petition after reading the truth-clarification materials. Then he asked for the petition forms to collect signatures for us. He even helped to explain our rescue effort to others and helped to move the display boards. By the time we had to go, he was very reluctant to leave.

In the afternoon, our car tour team arrived at Grants Pass in Oregon. We visited Josephine County officials and gave them information materials about our rescue effort, as well as the petition forms for signature.

On the way, our car attracted a lot of people's attention, as it had a banner on it. At gas stations, we often ran into people who asked us for more information, and they later signed our petition to show support.

The last stop of our car tour on August 14 was Roseburg, Oregon. Local TV station KEZI interviewed us for about one and half hours with indepth questions. The reporter was supposed to leave at 5 p.m., however, she waited for our arrival. Besides asking questions, she also took footage of our exercise demonstration and eventually didn't leave until 7:30 p.m. This TV station's program was broadcast to all of Eugene County at ABC's Channel 9.

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