A Detention Centre Policewoman Becomes a Falun Dafa Practitioner

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June 7, 2003

I know a Falun Dafa practitioner who used to be a policewoman. After July 20, 1999, she could not understand what was going on with the Falun Dafa practitioners she met in detention centres. Why were they arrested when they just practiced Falun Gong exercises at home? Why would they never give up cultivation when facing all kinds of beatings, physical torture, forced labour, imprisonment, and even death? What on earth was this all about? Even in as bad an environment as a detention centre, Falun Dafa practitioners were still happy and smiling. They believe in "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance." What' wrong with that? As time went on, she finally realised that Falun Dafa practitioners are the best people in the world.

She started to think better of Falun Dafa practitioners. When she was on duty, she helped Falun Dafa practitioners as much as she could. Later on, she spent her own money to buy foods for detained practitioners. She also often made use of her convenient work condition to pass Falun Dafa articles and books, etc. to practitioners. Later, she borrowed Falun Dafa books from practitioners and read repeatedly. She started to practice Falun Gong this way.

One day after she learned that the public security bureau personnel were going to search a practitioner' home, she made a phone call to warn the practitioner about it. When the public security bureau personnel came to search, they did not find anything they wanted.

Another time, the public security bureau personnel wanted to seize a Falun Dafa practitioner in her county. After finding this out, she immediately took a taxi to that practitioner' home. The practitioner was able to leave home safely about ten minutes before the public security bureau personnel arrived.

Later, it became known in the detention centre that she was practicing Falun Gong. The detention centre police searched her home and also threatened to arrest her. She was forced to give up her work and leave her home.

Now, this practitioner still keeps cultivating Falun Dafa diligently in another area.

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