Canada: Vancouver Practitioners Hold Activities to Expose Jiang's Evil Nature and Support Bringing Jiang to Justice

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Vancouver practitioners held a series of activities recently to support bringing Jiang to justice globally, to expose the crimes he's committed and to help more people learn about the truth.

Since June 9, 2003 until the end of the month, local practitioners have been sending forth righteous thoughts in front of the Chinese Consulate once every half an hour from 8:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. every evening to support the lawsuit against Jiang in Chicago. The practitioners did the exercises between times of sending righteous thoughts. People in vehicles passing by honked their horns in support.

From 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on June 15, the practitioners held an activity in front of the Art Gallery in the downtown area. They displayed photo boards and large banners, practised the exercises, collected signatures and distributed flyers. In addition to banners with the words, "Falun Dafa is good," and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" in both Chinese and English, there were also two large banners stating, "The heavenly principle is clear: bring Jiang to Justice" "Nets of Law spread, holding Jiang accountable."

At 4:00 p.m. after the activity in front of the Art Gallery concluded, we immediately went to Chinatown to continue our activity. We performed a short drama entitled, "Bao Gong* Interrogates Jiang" choreographed by practitioners, combining flash movie and live performance. When Jiang denied the charges against him, Ms. Wang Yuzhi who had suffered tremendously in China came out and testified, condemning Jiang's ruthless persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Passersby were quite interested in watching the drama. The large banners stating "Bringing Jiang to Justice" left deep impressions on whoever saw them. The activity concluded after practitioners sending righteous thoughts at 9:00 p.m.

The spectacular scene of the activities attracted many people to watch, and many people took photos to capture the precious historical scenes. We distributed a lot of truth-clarifying literature and materials so that many people learnt the truth. A group of teenage middle school students heard the news of Jiang's being sued, they immediately spoke out: The righteous begins! They all knew that Falun Gong is being persecuted in China, and thought that Jiang should have already been brought to justice.

*Bao Gong is well known in Chinese culture as the most upright Judge in Chinese history.

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