"So Many Of You Are Good People, Falun Dafa Must Be Good"

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During the beginning of 2001, I went to Beijing to peacefully appeal for justice for Falun Dafa. When I arrived at Tiananmen Square, two policemen stopped me and demanded that I curse someone on the spot. One of them said, "If you will not curse people, then you must be a Falun Gong practitioner and I will arrest you." I told him, seriously, "You want to arrest me for not cursing against people? That would be against the law." But he said, "You think Falun Dafa is good, even though you do not say it. But this is what you are thinking in your mind." They then detained me. To seek justice, I went to appeal to the Public Security Bureau and the government, but they refused my appeals, saying that they had orders from "top" authorities. This is what the government claims to be the best period of human rights and a modern legal system in China!

There are many unforgettable memories on the journey of cultivation. When my xinxing [the nature of the mind or the heart; moral character] improved, the environment around me changed for the better. When I was in a detention centre, an elderly female criminal inmate told us before she was released, "I own a motel. In the future, when my guests talk about Falun Gong, I will tell them, 'Have you met a real Falun Gong practitioner before? I have. They are different from what is shown on TV. They are all good people."

Our behaviour and speech are very important in our daily life, because everyday people gain an understanding of Falun Dafa by watching us. Once, a detainee said, "If a student is good, that only says that the student's performance is good. If many students are good, then the school must be good. Likewise, so many of you are good people, Falun Dafa must be good and your teacher teaches you very well. Your teacher is great."

I am glad to be here during the spreading of Falun Dafa. I cherish the opportunity to be with our Teacher during this period. I am proud to be a Falun Dafa practitioner, helping our Teacher to rectify the Fa [Law, way or principles]. I will treasure this opportunity.

January 5, 2002

Chinese version available at: http://www.yuanming.net/articles/200301/16017.html

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