Eastern Canada English Speaking Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference Takes Place in Toronto

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On November 23 and 24, 2002, Falun Dafa practitioners gathered in Toronto, Canada to share their experiences. This was Canada's first English-speaking conference, with simultaneous translation available in Chinese. Although it was a local conference, practitioners came from the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, British Columbia, and several cities in Ontario and Quebec (Guelph, Waterloo, Barrie, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City and Ottawa) to participate. Westerners from the US cities of Boston, New York, Chicago and Buffalo also attended.

The event was a great success, as many practitioners shared their understandings. Subjects included touching stories of practitioners (mainly Western) taking further steps to clarify the truth, having greater compassion toward other practitioners, transcending attachments, being responsible to Dafa, and working together as one body. Fifteen speeches were shared, 14 from westerners and one Chinese who gave his speech in English. Over 30 practitioners, mostly Westerners, worked together to make the conference possible. Many Western practitioners who hadn't yet taken a leading role in a large activity took the initiative to host the conference.

Each morning Eastern and Western practitioners studied the Fa [Principles and teachings of Falun Gong]together. Many of the fifty Western practitioners who attended the conference expressed great interest in clarifying the truth to the governments of the world. The topics of group discussion focused on how Eastern and Western practitioners could work as one body to further clarify the truth to the Chinese people. Large-scale group exercise practise was held at Queen's Park, (the site of Ontario's provincial parliament) and the following day near Toronto's City Hall. Ms. Wang Yuzhi, who recently arrived in Canada from China by way of the United Arab Emirates shared her experience. Upon hearing her speak, the practitioners were greatly touched and inspired by the courage and dedication of our fellow practitioners in China. On Saturday 150 practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese consulate to Fa Zheng Nian [rough translation -send forth righteous thoughts. This can be understood as a type of meditation] at 4pm, 5pm and 6pm.

After each day of the conference, Western practitioners went to Toronto's Chinatown to clarify the truth to the Chinese people. On the Saturday after the conference Western practitioners split up into groups and went to restaurants in Toronto where delegations from China go to eat. Members of one delegation couldn't keep their eyes off the sight of so many westerners wearing Falun Dafa sweaters and scarves. As this delegation left the restaurant one member of their group lingered behind. When he was sure no one from his delegation was watching he smiled and waved to practitioners! Indeed it seems many Chinese already know the truth. On the Sunday after group study and discussion over 300 paper lotus flowers, as well as hundreds of fliers and VCDs where handed out. Many Chinese people gladly accepted the flowers and truth clarifying materials.

Participants felt that organising an experience sharing conference in English truly had the effect of harmonising the environment and clarifying the truth.

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